When I began working on my novel Weather Woman back in 2013, I had no idea I was writing Climate Fiction, now commonly referred to as Cli-fi. I’d never heard of Cli-fi before—most people hadn’t—I was simply exploring a What-if premise that...
Why I Turned Away From Realism and Began to Write Surreal Fiction
My turn away from realistic fiction.
Beginning Again
I am just now, on the heels of the election, beginning to write a new novel. As often happens, several obsessions I’ve been nursing for a while, have suddenly come together as a narrative, as if they were charged magnets, needing to connect. It’s...
Writing Places I’ve Never Been
I have never been to Siberia, and yet Tiksi Russia, a Siberian town above the Arctic Circle on the edge of the Laptev Sea, figures prominently in my forthcoming novel, Weather Woman. When I became interested in Tiksi as a possible setting for the...
Electronic Reading
A few months ago a friend decided she didn’t like reading on her Kobo and she gave it to me. The timing was perfect. I had just returned from a 5-week trip on which I’d run out of reading material. Though I have been staunchly resistant to...
The Hero’s Journey Paradigm: Why it doesn’t work for me as a female fiction writer
After dwelling in a period of uncertainty about what to write next, I recently plunged into developing an idea for a new novel. As always, the idea is filled with possible landmines and diversions that could sink the entire project and, as I’ve...